Friday, October 23, 2009

Doodle Cards

Ahhhhhhh...our doodle card collection.....grin.....mariposa, do you notice one that is not done by you and me? its was done with mariposi!!!! to the readers out there,if you ever wanted any sort of card of your drop a msg to us!
Birthday Cards
Ms Mariminum's Bday Card
Mr Maritech Bday Card
Wedding Card

Get Well Soon Card

Encouragement Card

Thursday, October 22, 2009

All The Single Ladies By Beyonce (with animation clips)


Thanks for the presentingggggggggggggggg.........a performance by the turkey group........The Funky Fowls .....and the spoof version of The Single Ladies is on its way...or should i say All the Single Turkeys? gobble gobble gobble?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


ah...a video speaks a thousand words.....Posa!!!!! My life is so bored when we are not doodling!!!!

Stickman: Bathroom Rescue

Presenting another stickman adventureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I am so addicted to Pivot Stickfigure Animator!!! I love it!! Love it to the max!!!! hahah..hopefully some time in the near future..i could really produce some top quality mariposa!!! dun forget! our upcoming project Gobble Gobble!! lolz

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mariposa and The Stickman

*Drum roll plssssss* promised.........I, Maripasu....beginner stickman animator wannabe....lolz....present to you....the clip..Mariposa and The Stickman..grin.hope you like it!cheeriossssssssssssssss! if its too small, you can go watch it in youtube..grin...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, dear Pokerface

We hope you had a fabulous day!! No Russian Roulette tomorrow OK??

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Love is in the air

My baby dog finally found love! After a couple of months being the Lone Ranger after Brownie passed on..he finally has a friend once again. :)

Pasu and I decided to doodle something to commemorate this special occasion!

Bobo & Blossom

To see how they look like in real life, you can click HERE.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Dance of the Stickmen

We're sorry we haven't been updating our blog for a few months! Pasu has been working her butt of at an important project at work and I've also been busy with other commitments. Therefore we haven't had time to sit down and DOODLE. I will post one of our impromptu doodle from the past ..It started by us just colouring different colours. Then, the stickman was born..followed by his people :) It's just a variety of actions that they're doing. Pick a pen up and start'll be suprised with the results :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goodbye Brownie

Rest in Peace Brownie. I'm going to miss you a lot. Please click here for his special post.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Maripasu, where are you?

Busy times at the moment for all of us, and I know Pasu is very occupied with her work projects.. I just wanted to tell you I miss our doodling, movies, beach outing, chili's and Time Crisis Arcade time!~

Take care and don't overwork yourself, please!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Tomorrow we will usher in the Year of the Ox. Here's wishing all of you a Prosperous and Wonderful Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!! =D

Friday, January 16, 2009

Momiji Dolls!

One of our dearest and bestest friend has this love for Momiji Dolls lately. What are Momiji Dolls, you ask? Well they are Japanese Friendship Dolls. You can write a secret note and put it in the doll and give it to your mates. Maripasu gave one to Summer for Christmas. Man was she stoked!

So her Momiji Doll inspired Pasu and I to doodle ourselves as Momiji Dolls to commemerate our Friendship. Here's presenting the... "Mamiji Dolls"

Okay let me intorduce you to the dollies:
Summer as Marisalsa - the outgoing, fun-loving one
AL as Mariminumoo - the one who had too much to drink on Christmas eve
Myself as Mariposa - the one who thinks she has wings
The other missy as Maripasu - the one who thinks flowers could grow out of her head.

I shall explain to you what the nicknames mean.
First of all, my name - Mariposa - means butterfly in Spanish. Maripasu however is wordplay and literally means, "Come (mari), pot(pasu)".
Marisalsa means "Come dance"
and Mariminum means "Come drink".
These are all derived from the Malay language.

Pasu and I doodled this soon after Christmas. =D

I have spent sometime tonight doodling on Momiji Dolls and which ones would reflect my dear friends!

1. Maripasu - You're my cracked pot! But you're beautiful as a flower, so I have chosen the Momiji Doll Flowers for you - let you sit on a pot instead ;)

2. Mariminumoo - You get the Kitty Momiji Doll. I know you have a fear of cats, but there's no Momiji Moo Doll! So to compensate the lack of cowhide and horns, I've used a Cowprint backdrop for you!!

3. Marisalsa - You get 2 choices. One was the one we doodled you as - Just realised Pasu emulated you as the Sakura doll. I've put you a Sakura background that I got online. Credit goes to whoever designed it. ;)

Second one is your current nickname: You are always there to brighten me up after a gray day - be it jokes or GOSSIP (hahah perempuan sejati). So I present to you the Momoji Doll - Rainbows!

I thank all of you (featured or not) for your friendship! Have a wonderful weekend~

Love, Mariposa.

This is Momiji Doll - Smiling. There was a papillion one, but i do not see any butterflies there!