Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hola 2009!

Pasu & myself would like to wish all of you a great 2009. Live life to the fullest. Be courteous and kind..and ........Never be too busy to doodle :)

God bless,
Pasu and Posa

Monday, December 29, 2008


Have you ever shared a telepathic moment with another person? Be it your relatives, your loved ones or even your friends? Have you ever suddenly felt a sudden urge to hum a song only to realise that your dad starts singing the exact same song? Or have you ever missed a person so much that you wish he/she would call and he/she DID! Or perhaps you have felt the sudden urge to call that someone only to have the person tell you that she have been missing you and hoping that you would call.

For me and Posa, we DO!! and boy oh boy are those moments freaky enough to scare us out of our shorts......hmmm....or scare us out of our flip flopz...lolz...many times i would say.....we would text each other almost at the same time.....and the common expression would be "hey!! I was just about to text you!!!!" or "Hey!! i was just thinking about you!!!". There was this one time that we even doodled at the same spot in yahoo messenger......pretty freaky eh....i wonder if i could do the same with her atm pin POsa!!! wanna try telepathy to me your atm pin number? ROFL.... so from our many experiences...we kinda derived that our telepathic waves could be due to:-

a) Ability to generate telepathic waves from our minds....

b) Or perhaps we kinda wore the same clothing on the fateful day....perhaps our old school shorts? muarkhahahahhaha.....

Anyways Posa....thanks for all the telepathic moments that we have in our much as we can't control it..but sure does bring a lot of smiles to our faces......i still remember how you read that book about mandrils and you thought of noty sweet is that eh? and at that very moment i actually texted you to say that i missed a quote or two that I would like to share with you...

"Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends" <--- in our case, it will be the first speech at the tunnel eh..:P

-Mary Catherwood (1847-1901)-

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born"

-Anais Nin (1903-1977)-

"Friends do not live in harmony merely, as some say, but in melody"

-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)-

"Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts"

-Margaret Lee Runbeck-

"For what do my friends stand? Not for the clever things they say: I do not remember them half an hour after they are spoken. It is always the unspoken, the unconscious, which is their reality to me"

-Mark Rutherford (1831-1913)-

"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails"

-from "Pioneer Girls Leader's Handbook"-

This posting is also dedicated to MariSalsa, Mariposi, Maritangechi, and Itnipo!

The doodles were brought to you by PasuPosa Corp. Adios!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bite me!

Since there's a new craze on the vampire-human love movie Twilight, we've decided to doodle about it!

Where the movie has a good looking, 'vegetarian' vampire, we've decided to go with the old fashioned one; coffins fangs and BLOOD! (ok so we missed out Halloween)

I cannot imagine how much gel they used to make his hair stand like that! There you have it,
Mr Edward Cullen,

Here's our alternative:
Count Saywhat Colon


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

May you have a wonderful Christmas!!

Lots of love, Maripasu & Mariposa

Friday, December 19, 2008

Only The Blind Can See

To all the readers out there....I found this poem very inspiring and true in a way....kudos to Mr John for such a great poem.....

Only the Blind Can See© By John A. Van Hees

The air we breathe cannot be seen
And yet it fills our breasts
The stars so high we cannot touch
But we admire them never the less

The depth of the world is oh so shallow
For we judge only what is in sight
If we close our eyes and open our minds
It will be revealed that night is day and day is night
Nothing is what it seems
If you trust in only with your eyes
Open your heart and release the spirit
Leave behind the tears and cries

True joy can only found
If you take the time to look deep within
The outer appearance is only a shell
While the truth is under the skin

Distance in fact is many miles
It is far if that is what you see
But if you look with your heart and not the eyes
I'm as close to you as you are to me.

This page is brought to you by PasuPosa Blind Corp.

Quote of the day: Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
So why don't you shower somebody with love and kindness today? winks.......Cheerios!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Believe

To little Posa who might be goes to you....a piece called "I Believe"......









My illustration of God and Little Posa taking a walk.....grin.......He will be guiding you wherever you are sista...and when you are just too tired....He will carry you (piggy back)..heheheh......

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Busy days

Hi Everyone (or maybe just Pasu, hehehe), Mariposa here!

Just like to share that it has been such a busy week that I do not have much time to catch up on things besides work-related ones.. I am feeling mentally lethargic and other words..I'm going NUTS.

But in Matthew 11:28, there is a promise for those who are tired..and bogged down with life, really..

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest."

So for those who relates with me, rest assured that if you go to God, he will give you rest =) ok i'm off to rest now. take care!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The next Penang Bloggers' Gathering will be in TOWN... GEORGETOWN!!!!! 12:00PM - 14th December 2008 - SundayParadise Sandy Beach Resort. But too bad we can't make it......I will be working on that fateful day.....:(

So today, me and POSA would like to take this opportunity to send our apologies to Ms Bee Koh Moi for failing to give support to the event "What A Bloggiful World". It is truly a loss on our side...therefore we have created a doodle of "What A Sobbieful Moment" in response to the advertisement....hopefully we will get to go next time around!

Ms Bee Koh Moi, wishing you success in your bloggiful day!!! do tell us about it next time we meet up k? it will surely be a great event! Muacks!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Someone just turned wiser!

I know you're working on your birthday, and that you won't be in town to celebrate here's a dedication to doodle buddy, my wonderful friend and crack pot! Love ya muchos ;)

even Girassa the giraffe has made a cameo for this mini wish. May God continue to bless you and Chilli's on me when you get back ok? =D

Special message from Ralphie, your doggy: Ruff Ruff bark bark whine meow (eh?). Translated as: Happy Birthday mummy! I promise to behave and not run out of the gate anymore!.Meow.

Love ya missy! See you soon!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

TOON TIME!!!!!! Posers Showdown!

ITs TOON TIMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *RRIINNNNGGGGgggggggggggggggg* *a lion coming out of the screen to give a loud purr* come..its not a roar? simple...cause this is a pirated version of warner Bros...So today's show will be titled "Posers Showdown"....simply becos its a competition of posing..whoever with the best pose will win........

so without further delay......anybody remember the super speedy mouse? RIBAAA RIBA ANGGELE ANGGELE AARRRIBA RIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MR. SPEEDY GONZALES!!!!!

And who could ever forget the ever cute I TWOT I TWAW A PUSSY CAT....I DWIDDD...I DWID saw A PUSSY CAT........Ms Tweety Bird....and Mr Pepe Le Pew who is always seeking the "l'amour" of his own...God have mercy on Penelope Pussycat........hahahah......and then there is the normal...."HEYyyyyyy...WASSUP doc!" *munch munch munch the carrot"

And then come the third entry..the ever original RATUNA vs REXONA posers.....the creation of none other than PASUPOSA themselves........( this team seems to show something different.....fighting poses that are similar to matrix and karate kid)......

now..this is tough to judge..............take note that participants will be judge on their stage presence...their originality as well as their lets get to know the judges....they are.... the Happy Twee FRenz

NOw after hours and hours of analysis and well as consultation with Ms Tyra Banks as well as Mr and Mrs J....the Winner of the POsers Showdown is THE HAPPY TWEE FRENZ!!!!! WHAATTTT?????!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN??!!! AREN't They the JUDGES???!!!!oh well.....don't you agree that the Happy Twee Frenz pose the nicest of all? anyways...this is the verdict of Tyra who dares to deny.......

So thank you all for watching Posers Showdown....hope you have enjoyed it....stay tune same time same page..same url.........have a nice day!!!!

Oh noo....its already pass midnite.............



Thursday, December 4, 2008

High School Musical 3?!

For those who have Disney channel and those who are young at heart (ahem) might have heard of the musical called High School Musical 3 (how ironic)
ANYWAY, My dear Welsh friend was asking me how come I don't ever doodle with we did a doodle together for her 5-year old daughter..he daughter helped a lot with her comments and input ;)

Can you figure out whom is who?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Received a text from Pasu about her doggy. She squeezed out from the gate and ran out of the house..and got hit by a car =(

She's bringing her to the vet now..please keep her in your prayers. According to Pasu, Ralphie was limping..

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Four Blessed Looks

I find this article was forwarded by a friend of mine.......

The Four Blessed Looks:
Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God.
Look around and serve God.
Look within and find God!"

"I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?' God said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. And prepare for the future without fear!'"

"Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every day!""Life is short, so forgive quickly . Believe slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. Never regret anything that makes you happy. And have a wonderful journey!!!" So to those readers out there who is feeling the blues........
Ahhh..its getting late now.....nite nite everybody.......

Whats wrong with the bull?

I always wonder....why is the bull always charging at the matador? if the cloth he is holding is not red in colour, will the bull still charge right ahead? then what about the drink Redbull....why red? Is it because the bull is always charging full speed ahead at a red cloth...thus Redbull = Fullcharge? hmmmmmmmmmm...neways...the mythbusters, Posa and her sister, Pasu has discovered that:-

a) Bull will charge at anything red = a MYTH

b) Bull will charge at anything when jealous = TRUE


1. Figure 1: View from the spectator

2. Figure 2: View from the bull's eye..........

P/s: Kudos to the matador for his brilliant idea of posting up the photo of Mrs Bull with Mr Adulterer to get Mr. Bull's attention........shame on Mr Bull for letting his emotions take control of him.

Neways....since this story is in the world of Pasu Posa, Mr. Bull soon went on to forgive his wife and they live happily ever after. Mr. Adulterer is turned to Steak at The Mix Grill Cafe. :P

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

May the Bubbles Be With You!!!

Now this particular posting is dedicated to the "Mockingbird".....Posa and I were inspired simply by the comment "Should Sponge Bob Square Pants fight with his friend Patrick the Starfish?
I guess not. Since they are good friends"

But in this posting...YES THEY WILL FIGHT!!!! becos its EVIL CLONE Sponge Bob versus Patrick the Starfish!!!!! MUAKHAHHHAHAHHHA!!!! On GUard!!!!!!

1. Now this is the ZIP ZAPPING light saber knocking..and NO nonsense Luke, I am your father thingy scene...TAKE ONE!!! Action!!!.....(p/s: ever wonder how come they are smiling? I guess the light saber got short circuited and damaged their face them faceular smiletrophy syndrome.......

2. And as usual...where there is a fight..there will be spectators.................

So what happens in the end? Nope....the evil clone DID NOT get trapped on a piece of paper where his reign of terror ended.........................instead

PASU and POSA got sued for copyright infringement from the creators of Sponge you didn't see this one coming .... hahahahahhahahaha...

Disclaimer: No one were sued for the production of this post. Even if there is ...i guess we would only be sued for the bad drawing....lolz....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Seeing Double

According to PASU, these doodles that I'm about to post were the first doodles we did via Yahoo! Doodles application. I can't really recall but these are years' old!! I've edited a little by adding the texts cuz the original ones were written and it may be illegible. I've tried not to tamper with the storyline nor the doodles.

We drew these based on our online game that we used to play..Puzzle the setting is in an Inn on a faraway island with 2 pirates enjoying their drinks...

Started out well...

Attempt to have a friendly conversation..

So far things are going well..they even have a thing in common! Next question..

What are the odds...

After a few more questions and rums and rats passing out..

Came the conclusion..

Moral of the story: Don't drink'll kill your brain cells.. ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Presenting the Zoolandersssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! These are the rejects from the casting of Madagascar......... pity them....we caught them practicing behind the old cineplex.......heard some of them saying that perhaps they might have a shot at Madagascar 3......who knows rite? haha...look at the stunned face of Lionomuthu and Wabbit....i guess Girassa didn't mind at all.....lets wish them luck then eh?

Doodlers hard at work

We love going to the beach..whilst there, well we take the opportunity to doodle ofcourse!

Pasu concentrating on her doodle on the sand..

Doodle away, Posa!

*Both pictures taken by our partner in crime, Summer.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Diving? Anyone?

This is why diving competition is banned in the times of Noah.......

p/s: The shark gets 10/10 for the perfect catch.....Mr Stickman gets gold award in Video Zonkers for diving straight into the mouth of the Great White!

Snapshot of the perfect 10 winner as well as the happy diner:-

And below are the reaction of the horrified audiences......

Monday, November 17, 2008

Swish Swashing Swordfight!!!!

YARRRRRRRRRRRGggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh...who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Sponge Bob Square Pants!!Absorbent and yellow and porous is he.....Sponge Bob Square Pants!! and i think that i might be kerayzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......Sponge Bob Square Pants!!!!! *SLAPz*

Ok ok..i am a little bit carried back to the real's page features one of the earlier creations of both Posa and I when we are still very much influenced by the world of pirates in Puzzle wait no more....for the fight of the century is HERE!!!!!! *Drum roll please* Presenting Bluewee and Purplouie the Cuckooheadz.!!!!!!


Whooopsie...i guess there won't be any 2nd match....i just saw both of the pirates jumping into the sea after that.......and they swim happily ever after....lalalalalalaaaaaaaaa


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Mermaid Gone Wrong..

Pasu and I were doodling recently using Yahoo! Doodle Application and we came up with this.

Eversince the Little Mermaid married Prince Eric (I'm still sore he chose her over me!hmmph!), her so-called good friend Flounder has been riding on her success. He's become so popular that he was asked to star in a Broadway Musical. Little did he know what he was getting into.......

Lesson of the day: Don't ride on other's success for your own benefit, cuz it'll only land you in hot soup! (and maybe a freaky musical co-starring with a love struck electric eel)

New Constellation Sighting

Disclaimer: Facts or information that were given in this article must not be taken seriously......should there be any similarities in the content of this article to that of real life, then it should be treated only as mere coincidence.

Hey!!!! Its a bird!!!! no!!! ITS a plane!!!!! no its SEenoNANA!!!!! huh??????? Seenonana? never heard of it? bad...which galaxie are you from? we Mariposa and Maripasu come from the Land of Imagination where all things are possible......what do you mean you never heard of that too??? are you doubting our existence? anyways....according to the legend of Karecornia in the books of Kerazonia, Seenonana is short form of the name See No why are you lifting that one eyebrow of yours....put dat down right away! ok..thats more like please allow me to continue......

The Seenonana has been a very popular constellation of the Karecornians.....perhaps its due to the cuteness of the image itself......many say that the popular phrase "See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil" is inspired by this image itself. So how does this Seenonana looks like...........


Neways....for those who are really interested in matters regarding constellations...please go to this site..

This is brought to you by Posa Pasu Corporation.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Going somewhere?ya there....where?

Disclaimer:- This comic script has been certified for general viewing. Therefore there are no viewing dicretion adviced. However the author would like to highlight that symbols such as @%$!#&^% merely replaces swear words and nope..they are not pictorials....neither are they the signs of stoneedge.....hmmmm.....

1. On a hot afternoon......

2. Do you trust me?

3. When the stars are aligned...but crooked....

4. When the heart is trying to tell you something...

5. And when words started to get censored...

6. You just know that its time to get a GPS....

P/s: Well...the cyclist was not run over by us...and yes...the chicken did cross the road safely....