Sunday, December 14, 2008

Busy days

Hi Everyone (or maybe just Pasu, hehehe), Mariposa here!

Just like to share that it has been such a busy week that I do not have much time to catch up on things besides work-related ones.. I am feeling mentally lethargic and other words..I'm going NUTS.

But in Matthew 11:28, there is a promise for those who are tired..and bogged down with life, really..

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest."

So for those who relates with me, rest assured that if you go to God, he will give you rest =) ok i'm off to rest now. take care!


Pietro Brosio said...

Hey, this is a fine post! Beautiful drawings!
Yes, in my blog it's snowing to create a sort of Christmas atmosphere :-)

maripasu said...

Dearest Posa,

Cute drawing you have there...since ye are so tired..i have decided to give ye a please do check your gmail account....:) muacks!