Friday, November 14, 2008

Going somewhere?ya there....where?

Disclaimer:- This comic script has been certified for general viewing. Therefore there are no viewing dicretion adviced. However the author would like to highlight that symbols such as @%$!#&^% merely replaces swear words and nope..they are not pictorials....neither are they the signs of stoneedge.....hmmmm.....

1. On a hot afternoon......

2. Do you trust me?

3. When the stars are aligned...but crooked....

4. When the heart is trying to tell you something...

5. And when words started to get censored...

6. You just know that its time to get a GPS....

P/s: Well...the cyclist was not run over by us...and yes...the chicken did cross the road safely....


Mariposa said...

haha hey Pasu, we doodled this way back in the years eh? hahaha i lost this one. good thing you still have it =D

maripasu said...

yup...hahhahah.....i got tonnes of doodles in my computer....grin..... maybe i shud dig up some of the ugly ones....miahhahahah

adelynne said...

You all gila mia :p So cute though, the drawing. Hahaha.