Saturday, November 8, 2008


Created by Mariposa, Inspired by Maripasu

This is a blog created by 2 friends who share the same passion: Doodling
I'm sure at one point or another we all have doodled, even subconsciously..Your History teacher is throwing out years and dates and names..and you wander into space..only to find your textbook filled with scribbles and drawings when you're snapped back into reality..that's doodling ;) Wikipedia also has a similar idea of what doodling is. Click here.

How did it all begin? Really, we can't remember for sure, but we started off using Yahoo Doodles when we were both playing an online game called Puzzle Pirates. You may see that some of our doodles are pirate-themed.
So we invite you to join and share our doodles that we've compiled over the years and as we venture into the future.

May the doodles be with you.

~Pasu & Posa


Pietro Brosio said...

Beautiful! I call improvisations my creations at the computer: I don't know if they are really doodles, maybe not...
Thanks for your comment!

Mariposa said...

;) yeah this isn't really doodling. I made it for an online competition (for the online game), and won an easter egg on the game. hehe

thanks for dropping by! We're honoured to have our first comment =D

tr3nta said...

welcome to your new blog.

adelynne said...

You guys are hilarious! :P *Hug*