Friday, December 5, 2008

TOON TIME!!!!!! Posers Showdown!

ITs TOON TIMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *RRIINNNNGGGGgggggggggggggggg* *a lion coming out of the screen to give a loud purr* come..its not a roar? simple...cause this is a pirated version of warner Bros...So today's show will be titled "Posers Showdown"....simply becos its a competition of posing..whoever with the best pose will win........

so without further delay......anybody remember the super speedy mouse? RIBAAA RIBA ANGGELE ANGGELE AARRRIBA RIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MR. SPEEDY GONZALES!!!!!

And who could ever forget the ever cute I TWOT I TWAW A PUSSY CAT....I DWIDDD...I DWID saw A PUSSY CAT........Ms Tweety Bird....and Mr Pepe Le Pew who is always seeking the "l'amour" of his own...God have mercy on Penelope Pussycat........hahahah......and then there is the normal...."HEYyyyyyy...WASSUP doc!" *munch munch munch the carrot"

And then come the third entry..the ever original RATUNA vs REXONA posers.....the creation of none other than PASUPOSA themselves........( this team seems to show something different.....fighting poses that are similar to matrix and karate kid)......

now..this is tough to judge..............take note that participants will be judge on their stage presence...their originality as well as their lets get to know the judges....they are.... the Happy Twee FRenz

NOw after hours and hours of analysis and well as consultation with Ms Tyra Banks as well as Mr and Mrs J....the Winner of the POsers Showdown is THE HAPPY TWEE FRENZ!!!!! WHAATTTT?????!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN??!!! AREN't They the JUDGES???!!!!oh well.....don't you agree that the Happy Twee Frenz pose the nicest of all? anyways...this is the verdict of Tyra who dares to deny.......

So thank you all for watching Posers Showdown....hope you have enjoyed it....stay tune same time same page..same url.........have a nice day!!!!

Oh noo....its already pass midnite.............



1 comment:

Mariposa said...

omg..our late night stoned out doodles.. >.< hahahahaha